
lovely thing sunday - scuba search and a song

Sunday, March 27, 2011

It has been hard for me to see lovely things lately. I've been worried about our current budget situation, sad for my friends who have lost their jobs, afraid that I might lose mine. I see terrible, terrifying things in the news on a daily basis. I watch devastating videos of lives and homes lost in the tsunami.

My brain has been so wrapped around the sadness, that when I started looking for something to post today, I felt I needed something huge, something that would make up for all the bad, and I couldn't find it. In my heart, I knew that there were great things out there, amazing people, lovely, loving people. It hit me when I had five tabs open looking for the best thing to post that there are simple lovely things happening everywhere, and they more than make up for the bad. 

So I have two things to share. One is truly incredible. The other is just something that made me smile this morning. I'm sharing the second with you because I came to realize that a "lovely thing" doesn't have to be a feat of strength or something that is far reaching or something that helps millions of people; it only needs to make you smile.

Here we go.

1. After the earthquake, Hydeaki Akaiwa, couldn't get in contact with his wife or elderly mother. Instead of waiting for a rescue team, he found some scuba gear and dove to find and rescue them both. Read the article if you have time. Apparently, he isn't finished with his rescue work. Truly incredible!

2. Smile.

1 comment:

  1. lots of lovely men in this office...wonder where it is. Oh well, if I can't work in a place crawling with "potentials"- I'm glad I work with people like you who mine for silver when the clouds thin the lining from the budget.
